Home 2017-12-05T20:33:26+00:00

“BibleGirl’s Big Apple,” a mobile game that mixes casual mini-games with light role-playing elements as you follow your character on the road to drag superstardom.

The story of “BibleGirl’s Big Apple” begins at New York’s hottest club: Port Authority. Your character has just arrived in the city from an unnamed corner of small-town America. You’re greeted by the local welcoming committee, a guy who tries to steal your bag only to be saved by BibleGirl herself. Good thing she just happened to be hanging around a mostly deserted bus depot at 4 in the morning.


Take the world by storm as you join BibleGirl and friends in BibleGirl’s Big Apple!

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BibleGirls Big Apple is a drag queen role play game based in NYC with mini games inspired from retro arcade games.

Team Members

Chris Borgione

Director of Operations & Brand Manager at DragQueenMerch.com

Co-Creator of BibleGirls Big Apple

Studied at University of Utah B.A. Strategic Communications


Creator of BibleGirl’s Big Apple

Co-Owner DragQueenMerch.Com

Alex Rohn

Lead Game Designer at BibleGirl’s Big Apple

Studied Interactive Design & Game Development at SCAD – The University for Creative Careers

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